Last Updated 2025 February 8
2025 Feb. 8
2025 Jan. 13
2025 Jan. 1
Ms. Daiqing Nie joined our group.
Ms. Xinyu Wang and Mr. Yifan Zhan joined our group.
Our paper on the fullerene solubilizers for enhanced photodynamic therapy was accepted by Materials Chemistry Frontiers.
Nov. 1
Sep. 23
Jul. 2
May 31
Dr. Echo Xuemei Wang joined our group.
Our paper on the supramolecular hydrogels enabling rapid, reversible phase transitions by visible light was accepted by Angewandte Chemie.
Dr. Yiwa Wang won the Outstanding Poster Award (by Chinese Chemical Letters) in the 18th Chinese International Peptide Symposium.
Our paper on the mechanotransducing hydrogels for enzyme switching was accepted by Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Dec. 1
Nov. 18
Jul. 1
Jun. 26
Apr. 20
Dr. Yiwa Wang became a postdoc.
Ms. Yiwa Wang obtained her Ph.D – Congratulations!
Mr. Hoi Kin Wong became an RPg student.
Mr. Yu Han Wang joined our group.
Ms. Yiwa Wang and Ms. Shuran He won the Postgraduate Student Award.
Sep. 16
Sep. 7
Jul. 18
Jul. 4
Jan. 19
Our paper on the reconstitution of microtubules into GTP-responsive nanocapsules was accepted by Nature Communications.
Ms. Shayne Hong joined our group.
Mr. Ernest Chan and Ms. Zhenzhen Wu joined our group.
Mr. Neo Shun Fung Lee joined our group.
Sep. 13
Sep. 3
Aug. 13
Jul. 2
Jun. 7
May. 31
Apr. 16
Apr. 3
Feb. 2
Jan. 22
Mr. Torin Wing Mak joined our group.
Our paper on photoreactive molecular Glue for enhancing the efficacy of DNA aptamers (JACS) was highlighted by JACS Spotlights.
Our paper on photoreactive molecular Glue for enhancing the efficacy of DNA aptamers was accepted by Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Dr. Qiong Li joined our group.
Mr. Jovi Man Yin Ng joined our group.
Mr. Hoi Kin Wong and Mr. Chun King Chan joined our group.
Our paper on bio-adhesive nanoporous module toward autonomous gating (ACIE) was highlithed by ChemistryViews.
Our paper on bio-adhesive nanoporous module toward autonomous gating (ACIE) was highlithed as a front cover.
Our paper on bio-adhesive nanoporous module toward autonomous gating was accepted by Angewandte Chemie.
Mr. Sunny Sung In Chow joined our group.
Aug. 28
Aug. 3
Jul. 13
Jun. 8
May 6
Apr. 11
Mar. 2
Ms. Shuran He joined our group.
Ms. Rhoda Lee joined our group.
Dr. Soumen Ghosh joined our group.
Mr. Henry Chak Man Yau and Mr. Mervyn Ho Kong Man joined our group.
Our paper on intracellular photoactivation of caspase-3 by molecular glue (JACS) was highlighted as a supplementary cover.
Our paper on intracellular photoactivation of caspase-3 by molecular glue was accepted by Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Ms. Yiwa Wang joined our group.
Jul. 26
Jul. 15
Our paper on asymmetric catalysis with mirror-symmetry broken supramolecular nanoribbons was accepted by Nature Communications.
We started our group at the University of Hong Kong.